- Software Packages
Included are
all PAPAGENO servers as well as the SMTP and the SAPconnect gateways.
All you need to get started is a license key from us!
Included are
- clients for the administration of PAPAGENO (web admin, Windows administrator)
- MAPI Connector (for Outlook only up to version 2010 (32 bit) and FaxMAPI printer for converting Windows documents to fax format
- user client for Windows (comFAX/WIN)
- printer drivers for fax clients (Windows 2003, Windows XP)
Included are
- all additional PAPAGENO tools e. g. to import users or to convert HTML files into TIFF for different operating systems
Download PAPAGENO MAPI Connector and Fax MAPI Printer ...
The Fax-MAPI Printer is part of the MAPI Connector.