Release Notes PAPAGENO Version

Last updated 2 February 2015

Software Components


PAPAGENO Server (Windows, Linux, Unix)


  • SMTP Gateway

  • SAPconnect

  • Exchange Gateway (Windows up to Exchange 2003)

Note: Use SMTP Gateway for Exchange 2007 or higher

User Clients

  • MAPI Connector (MAPI Client) (Windows)

  • ASCII Client (Windows, Linux, Unix)

  • GUI Client (Linux, Unix) (X-Motif)

  • Webclient to assign pincode for e-mail access via telephone (Windows/IIS or Apache)

Administrator Clients

  • PAPAGENO Administrator (Windows)

  • HTML Admin

  • ASCII Administrator (Windows, Linux, Unix)


(please see also special release notes on hardware)

  • Fax via active CAPI board, modem (existing routers are further supported)
  • SMS
  • by gd-capidrv via ISDN connection:
    send, receive with phone extension within conventional telephone network (in Germany only, offered by certain providers)
  • by gd-smsdrv (BAI Licence needed):
    via ISDN connection (send)
    via mobile phone (GSM) (send, receive)
    additional connection types on request
  • Voice (Windows, Linux)
    answering machine
    e-mail access via telephone (using text to speech engine)
    send and receive voice messages
    send text to voice (using text to spech engine)

Components and platforms are described in detail at


Fix of servers and commands for the new a_get_kzg, o_get_kzg etc.

There was a problem with large memory content from Version on.

A new option a_get_kzg -f <number> starts output at that line number and lists 100 lines of cache. If given number has scrolled out of cache, a_get_kzg starts at begin of cache.

SMTP Gateway: New HTML Feature

The Gateway converts HTML to fax if a HTML converter is provided and configured in SG_ATTn, e.g. SG_ATT0 fax:html,tif html2tif.cmd %s %s

Put html2tif.cmd into PATH, e.g into c:faxserveretc or /faxserver/etc

a sample for Windows: del preproc.pdf
"C:Program Fileswkhtmltopdfbinwkhtmltopdf.exe" %1 preproc.pdf
"C:Programmegsgs9.14bingswin64c.exe" -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -sOutputFile=%2 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH preproc.pdf

a sample for Linux: rm preproc.pdf
wkhtmltopdf $1 preproc.pdf
gs -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -sOutputFile=$2 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH preproc.pdf

Please note, wkhtmltopdf and gs are external programs, install them first. Also note, that html2tif must convert to tif, not (just) to pdf.

SMTP Gateway

Fix of SAP addresses (broken in

Fix for incoming short messages (SMS): mailheader now declares charset=iso-8859-1, so German umlauts are shown in all major mail clients.

Windows Setup

An old compatibility warning was removed.


New tracelib for servers, drivers, gateways.


Log files contains date and time in their filename, the current file is always linked to the (old) log basename.

The log files are deleted after 10 days (configurable).

There is a new file trace.cfg in the directory of the logfiles, where all trace parameters are specified. Changes in trace.cfg take effect within approx. ten minutes.


For clarity, in the directory trace are only the links to the current files, find all the logfiles in trace.cache.

Please note: The test function level of a driver overwrites trace.cfg at driver restart.


The problem with logrotation (as of Release has been fixed.

Please note: SG_TR.. parameters override trace.cfg at gateway restart.



On arrival of a corrupted fax, the receiver gets a fax containing an error message and an icon for information. The corrupted file is not deleted..

comfax-adm, comfax-asc (Windows)

Fixed a problem with date (broken in


Usually, comfaxuser is FAXADM, this can be changed to (Windows) USERNAME..


Fixed single-page mode (fixed uninitialised value).

PAPAGENO Version to

Software Builds for Linux are generated on CentOS 5.10 i386 and OpenSuSE 10.3 i368.

Windows Build is generated with DevStudio 12.

ALPHA Server

The call a_sync executes a user defined command while alpha database is closed. The command is configured in a_userconf context of FAXADM.

SYNCCMD /path/and/command parameter

OMEGA Server

The call o_sync executes a user defined command while omega database is closed. The configuration is in o_config context:

SYNCCMD /path/and/command parameter

a_sync/o_sync close their respective server databases, execute the given command and finally reopen their databases. Both servers do not accept RPC calls until the command is completed.

To implement a filesystem snapshot, configure the snapshot in the OMEGA:

o_put_config SYNCCMD mysnapshot

Next, configure o_sync in the alpha sync, using environment SETUSER=FAXADM:

a_put_userconf SYNCCMD o_sync

As a result, a_sync triggers the snapshot while ALPHA and OMEGA databases are closed. The snapshot itself should not take more than a few seconds, else you might experience RPC timeouts in clients, gateways or drivers.

ALPHA Server

Outgoing documents, that are not sent in time, run into a timeout, even if there is no driver for the net type.

Outgoing documents carry a new flag ST_DESTCOLLISION in status if they were queued, i.e. concurrent documents were sent to the same number.

Restarting an outgoing document resets biff flag and completed flag.

Err2busy function accounts for the expiration of the send job.

ALPHA Server file write mode was fixed. There were problems with e.g. large document log files on Windows.

The ALPHA cache of OMEGA config parameters is cleared when a_clean_cache or a_reload_dest is called; this avoids inconsistency of data.

Fixed a crash with SAPconnect gateway documents (Windows).

ALPHA Server, Pi Server, a_print_dok

If an outgoing document is printed, the complete set of information found in a_get_s_rec_new is exported now.

The cache is cleared, information of a previous document is no longer shown.


On every l_start.. or l_stop.. command, the corresponding process status is adjusted if needed. Earlier versions had problems in status, if the associated procmon died prematurely.

The commands l_startfax, l_startgateways no longer create directories for SMTP gateways that run on different hosts.

Attempts to start or stop unknown daemons or gateways generate a monitor log entry.

Output of l_tailfile, l_catlog is flushed.

Lines in nohup.out files start with a timestamp.

During startup of SAPconnect gateways, complaints about non-matching strings are suppressed.

Fixed a crash if Omega Server was unreachable during gateway start/stop.

Fixed a crash in RPC lib, related to a cluster cpu switch.

Pi Server, cbmprint, cbm2hplj

Fixed a crash on Windows (broken in


The cache used with .._get_kzg holds up to 1000 lines.

a_get_kzg, o_get_kzg, g_get_kzg, s_get_kzg, t_get_kzg:

When called with parameter (continuing mode), the entire cache is listed.

Missing lines are marked '...'. Typically, you will get these marks from an older server version, having a cache of only 20 or 25 lines. The output is flushed.


Log file entries fixed (broken in

Customized TSI for incoming connections with new LDAP configuration


GD_LDATS: the given LDAP attribute contains the TSI.

GD_LDAED: the given LDAP attribute contains the String TSI="Tsi", i.e. you can reuse the extension attribute of the SMTP Gateway.

gendrv, screxe

The driver sends ISDN Cause Code 0x3401 to indicate an unassigned number.

New dialog lngOrFax.vdl

It tests for the LDAP attribute given in GD_LDLNG and switches to the corresponding dlg_%s.vdl (dlg.vdl as a substitute).

If the dialed number has no such attribute, fax modus is selected.

If the number is unassigned, the call is rejected.

gendrv, capidrv

A race condition was fixed.

gendrv, smsdrv

The driver now uses OMEGA configuration parameter SMSLEN (see below).

The cfg file is generated in the driver's theta directory at startup and for each dial, but no longer for receive polling.

For xms type, the cfg file now has the full set of entries, "phone" is derived from TSI. Incoming parameter OriginatingAddress is accepted.

New extra flag MaxSplit=<number> (e.g. MaxSplit=5).

A pager message (SMS) may have a maximum overall length of (e.g) 5 partial messages. Any longer input results in an error.

The flag is valid in xms mode.

New extra flag testmode=1 keeps driver running when Boecherer license is missing.

SMTP Gateway

The configured LDAP Server must be available at start time.

The gateway reconnects to the LDAP Server as needed.

If the length of a SMS (pager message) exceeds SMSLEN, the gateway sends a Non-Delivery Report with Status Code 5.2.3, Message too long.

If SG_TXTFAX is set but does not work, the document is processed anyway, otherwise it would hang in a loop.

The extension attribute in LDAP Server can carry customized settings for all suitable parameters. The prefix SG_ is skipped here.

For example, SG_GWEXPF determines the general export format of the gateway, the default value is tiff format. A user who prefers pdf would add GWEXPF=3 to his extension attribute.

Assign the extension attribute to SG_LDUDA and SG_LDMBA to get full functionality (see gateway/smtp/readme.txt).

If SG_HEADFIN is set, CPI, TSI and PIN code of the gateway user are added to complete the driver information file.

New parameter SG_SNDAL=0 (i.e. default is off)

If RFC821 MAIL_FROM address does not match RFC822 from or sender address, the gateway considers this to be a mail fraud. SG_SNDAL=1 does not check, i.e. allows differing addresses. The LDAP query for an individual SNDAL value uses the MAIL_FROM address to build the filter.

New parameter SG_DEFNET=fax (i.e. default is fax).

If the number to dial does not contain the net type, SG_DEFNET is assumed.

Possible values are fax, sms, telex, voice, video.

In case of a convert error, the processing is stopped at first error and not retried for additional recipients.

Every line in logbook starts with a timestamp. The default format is date and time, customizable via SG_TRSTAMP (see gateway/smtp/readme.txt).

Log files are rotated on a daily schedule and cleaned up after 10 days.

Log rotation is customizable (see SG_TR.. in gateway/smtp/readme.txt).

Delivery-Status Notification (DSN) with IMCEA addresses is supported.

DSNs are suppressed if the mail contains the special header X-VIPcom-NoDSN.

Fixed a problem with german umlauts.

All temporary files are cleaned up, unless SG_KEEPTMP is set.

If a mail having IMCEA address type does not contain a winmail.dat, it is processed locally (avoid a crash at re-routing).

Fixed a crash when there was no "From" field.

Fixed a crash when sending a voice file (cvtlib).


The new option -l lists the actual values for all parameters that are customizable by LDAP lookup.

SAPconnect Gateway

The SAP RFC Libraries linked in are 7.20 for Linux, Windows, Solaris (ix86) platforms.

Timestamps in log files slightly differ in format (leading zeros).

RfcDispatch (additionally) triggers log file rotation.

PAPAGENO Administrator

The GUI supports Least Cost Routing (LCR) to a daemon process.

These routes are of type user@host.

In a first step, create a PAPAGENO daemon user and setup the daemon.

Next create the new LCR, check IsDaemon and select that user.

Starting from Version the ALPHA Server supports this feature.

If number substitutes are changed, a_clean_cache is sent to all local ALPHA Servers to make the change immediately operative.

If a zone definition in LCR is changed, a_reload_dest is sent to all local ALPHA Servers to make the change immediately effective.

Fax MAPI Printer

All temporary files are written to the user's temp dir.

Fixed a crash when the Exchange Gateway sends a Non-Delivery Report.


New command to clear the cache of Omega parameters (see above).


Additionally supports export of SMS as text and Voice as wav files.


Fixed a crash with illegal errstat values.


Fixed a crash at process termination (illegal free).


Fixed a problem with paths containing spaces (Windows).

faxps (level 1, level 2), faxpspr -pcl are fixed (broken in

faxpr1, faxpr2:

LAMBDA monitor entries show the build label.


Has a configuration file.

During a server update, the PAPAGENO version is always refreshed.


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